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All images ©2008 Open Eye Pictures

Open Eye Pictures

UNDER OUR SKIN, animation for their documentary about Lyme Disease

What they asked us to do...

Andy Wilson of Open Eye Pictures had filmed most of his 2 hour documentary about Lyme Disease and its devastating spread in the US and worldwide. Parts of the film needed animation of some sort, but Andy didn’t exactly know what and how. We were asked to help create an animation “vision” for the film.

What we did...  

Sitting with Andy and his editor Eve, we identified a dozen places where animation could help tell their story. It ran the gamut: graphs showing the astonishing rise of cases, maps showing the spread across the US and the world, conceptual “op ed” animation showing conflicts of interest in the medical establishment, and “medical” animation, showing how spirochetes enter the bloodstream from tick bites, etc.

Our results...

A variety of animation styles, each suited to its purpose with in the film: crisp and clean for graphc, graphic and scientific for maps using NASA footage, and a “blue” style to represent “op ed” ideas and spirochetes running wild in the body. Andy’s film was premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and shortlisted for a 2010 Best Documentary Oscar® nomination.